How TimeSavr Helps You Take Care of Your Staff for Better Retention

People are the heart and soul of any childcare business. It takes great individuals to ensure a centre thrives. Staff members can inspire confidence in parents or guardians, entertain and connect with the children, and make a big difference for families, coworkers, and the centre as a whole. This is why, when you find the right people for your daycare centre, you want to make sure they want to stay long-term. Without motivated, enthusiastic, and talented staff, daycares and childcare centres cannot survive. 

There are many ways to make your work environment a desirable one, but we know from our experience in the industry that making day-to-day workplace activities simpler goes a long way. The TimeSavr app streamlines many tasks for your employees, building a foundation for a positive workplace experience.

Making Time Off Requests Easier

With TimeSavr, employees can quickly request specific days off no matter where they are. For example, they can request a specific day off on the spot using the mobile app while they’re standing in the dentist’s office making a follow-up appointment. Busy employees can also make changes, check on request approvals, and view their hours report on the go or from home with the easy-to-use TimeSavr mobile app.

Accurate Payroll

Getting people paid accurately and on time is important when you lead a team. The TimeSavr app automatically tracks hours, overtime pay, time-owing, and other settings you can customize for the specific needs of your centre. Fewer mistakes result in less paperwork and fewer corrections for the management team, as well as happier staff overall.

Better Parent – Staff Relations

TimeSavr’s daily reporting makes connecting with parents, viewing photos of the day’s activities a breeze. Your staff can share notes about each child, which parents and guardians can review on a daily basis, keeping them informed of their child’s progress and experience. Better parent communication creates a better relationship between them and the staff. Communication is a large focus of TimeSavr’s features, and it goes a long way toward creating a positive workplace experience for everyone!  

Supporting Staff and Managers

When scheduling and payroll are easier to monitor, both your managers and employees will be happier. No one enjoys having their requested days off forgotten or mixed up.  The employee who was expecting the time off can feel guilty or resentful for the mistake, while the manager can feel overwhelmed or annoyed at having to find substitute workers. There are a lot of conflicting emotions and stress that can be avoided when you take your employee management systems online. Best of all, this means that you’ll spend less time hiring and training new staff; better systems lead to improved workplace relations, and when employees enjoy where they work, they’re likely to stay longer.  

Daycare Software That Saves You Time


At TimeSavr, we appreciate the unique struggles and needs of childcare centres because we managed our own daycare businesses for many years. We know firsthand how stressful the piles of paperwork can be, which is the reason we created the TimeSavr software in the first place. We wanted to make our jobs easier and make our employees happier in the process. Our software has worked for us and for dozens of other daycare centres too, which is why we know it will work for your team! Contact us to learn more or get started with your free trial