Timesavr FAQ

Does Timesavr accept payments from parents/guardians?
Does Timesavr accept payments from parents/guardians?
Yes, you can use Timesavr to accept both direct debit payments and online credit card payments. You can also generate and email invoices directly to parents/guardians with a payment button embedded in the invoice.
How many people can have access to our Timesavr account? Can staff members be given access to certain parts of the account?
How many people can have access to our Timesavr account? Can staff members be given access to certain parts of the account?
Each account will have one main administrative login. You can then customize security access for other users, such as staff, bookkeepers and dayhome educators. That way, you can ensure the right people see the right information, while other information stored in the application always stays secure.
What type of reports does Timesavr create?
What type of reports does Timesavr create?
Timesavr can generate hundreds of different types of reports, from attendance to allergies to subsidies. If you need a specific type of report generated and you don’t see it in Timesavr, let us know; we can often incorporate new report formats upon request in a matter of days.
Can I use Timesavr for my accounting?
Can I use Timesavr for my accounting?
While Timesavr does keep a record of your invoices and any processed online payments, it is not accounting software. Timesavr was designed to make it easy for you to send invoices, generate receipts, keep track of who owes you money and what payments were made, but it does not track expenses and therefore does not replace your bookkeeping software.
Does Timesavr help with monthly government grant claims?
Does Timesavr help with monthly government grant claims?
Yes! Because we owned and operated our own daycares, we know first-hand how time-consuming it can be to submit government claims. That’s why we’ve created reports in Timesavr that will automatically compile and generate the statistics you need for those forms, including the breakdowns you need for each age group.

We have created specific forms for both BC and Alberta that print out in the exact format you’ll need. If you live outside of those provinces and would like a form suited for your requirements, contact us with your request. We are happy to add to our form library if it makes your life easier!
Does Children’s Services accept electronic timekeeping?
Does Children’s Services accept electronic timekeeping?
Timesavr has been used by Alberta daycares since 2008 and has the full approval of Children’s Services. It’s a preferred method of timekeeping by licensing officers because the data is easy to find and read.
Who can use Timesavr?
Who can use Timesavr?
If you manage a daycare, a dayhome agency, a preschool, or an out-of-school program, then Timesavr is the tool for you! There are several ways to set it up, which helps you customize the program to ensure you get a perfect fit for your type of business.
I run a private dayhome. Can I use Timesavr?
I run a private dayhome. Can I use Timesavr?
At this point, Timesavr is not ideal for a privately run dayhomes. However, it is the perfect tool for anybody running a dayhome agency.
I have several childcare centres. Can I manage them all with a single Timesavr account?
I have several childcare centres. Can I manage them all with a single Timesavr account?
The answer depends on the type of centres you are managing. With a single Timesavr account, you can manage one program of each type (daycare, dayhome, out-of-school program). If you are running multiple centres of the same type of program, you will need a separate program ID for each centre, and therefore separate Timesavr accounts, but you will be able to manage them all with a single login by linking by linking all your accounts to a single user login, allowing you to easily switch between centres without logging out. Learn more about the app’s features.
I’m not very tech-savvy. What level of computer knowledge do I need to set up Timesavr?
I’m not very tech-savvy. What level of computer knowledge do I need to set up Timesavr?
If you’re comfortable using the internet, then you’ll be comfortable using Timesavr. Our program is 100% web-based, meaning you won’t have to install or download anything. Simply navigate to our website, Timesavr.net, and log in with your username and password to access the program. If you need additional help navigating the app, you can access our instructions here or contact us for assistance. We are always happy to help!
What are the computer requirements for using Timesavr?
What are the computer requirements for using Timesavr?
All you need is an internet connection and an internet-capable computer or device, whether that’s in the form of a desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, or any other internet-enabled computer. Although you can easily track child and staff attendance on a small touch screen, we recommend that you use a full-sized laptop or desktop computer with a mouse and keyboard for most administrative tasks.
Can I use the Timesavr app on my phone?
Can I use the Timesavr app on my phone?
Yes, you can access the Timesavr educator app on your phone or other small device, as long as it can connect to the internet. The educator app is designed for the educator in the room and allows you to track child attendance, staff hours, staff time off requests, emergency contact information, medical information and if you have the connect package, you can also use it to create daily reports and message the parents.
How does Timesavr keep data and sensitive information confidential and secure?
How does Timesavr keep data and sensitive information confidential and secure?
We are highly aware of the need to keep the private information and sensitive data of your clients secure. When you create your account, you choose your own password that is known only to you. Not even the system administrator has any way of deciphering your password. You have full control over the strength of your password and how often you change it.

We also use SSL Encryption to protect your information. Furthermore, all data contained in Timesavr is securely backed up every night should the worst-case scenario happen.

You can put your trust in Timesavr for all your most important and sensitive information!
Attendance data is very important. Is our data securely stored and backed up?
Attendance data is very important. Is our data securely stored and backed up?
Yes, all data contained in Timesavr is securely stored and backed up on a nightly basis. We understand how vital your data is to your business, which is why our servers also use a RAID configuration; this means there are always two live copies of the data on disk. In the unlikely event of a catastrophic server crash and the loss of both hard drives, all data from the previous night’s backup will be restored.
What do we do if we temporarily lose our internet connection? We still need to be able to track attendance.
What do we do if we temporarily lose our internet connection? We still need to be able to track attendance.
An internet connection is required for using Timesavr. In the event of a power or internet outage, you can use your mobile device’s data or use the old-fashioned paper and pen method until power is restored. Once the internet or power is restored, you can enter in any missing data manually.
If our records are on our computers, how can we access attendance records in the event of an emergency evacuation?
If our records are on our computers, how can we access attendance records in the event of an emergency evacuation?
Since the data is stored on the webserver and not on your local computer, you will always be able to see your Timesavr data on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, even if you must evacuate your centre.
I have an idea for a new feature. Can I share I with you?
I have an idea for a new feature. Can I share I with you?
Yes! We value feedback from our clients and welcome new ideas and suggestions for features that will help save you and others time. If you have a suggestion, send us your idea.

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