When running a daycare or childcare center (or any client-based business, for that matter), it is important to maintain effective communication. Parents put a lot of trust in daycare owners and workers to leave their children with them, so they usually want to know what’s happening while they’re away at work or otherwise. Parents also need to be able to easily relay information relating to the care of their children to daycare workers and owners. Since communication is so vital, it is also important to understand how to communicate effectively, so here are TimeSavr’s top five tips on managing communication with parents.
1. Creating Avenues of Communication
Parents want to know that they are heard by daycare workers, so a clear and established avenue for communication is ideal. Parents should feel confident in their ability to contact you or be contacted when something comes up at daycare. One way to do that is by utilizing a pre-defined method of communication. That could mean a phone call, email, or, even better, it could be through a handy childcare app.
2. Keep Parents Informed
The more information you, as a daycare owner/worker, can give parents about their children, the better. It’s hard to be away from your child all day and feel like you’re missing out on exciting milestones and development. To make that easier for parents to manage, try to give them some extra info on what their children get up to during the day. You can also send messages, including photos and notes, about each child’s progress during the week to ease parent anxiety and increase feelings of connection.
3. Save Everyone Some Time
Parents are busy, you’re busy, and everyone could use some extra time. Communication can improve by setting up the automatic sending of reports, invoices, and more to parents. For example, with a versatile daycare app, you can automatically set up welcome messages to get onboarding processes started faster.
4. Make Communicating More Convenient
Create a clear and established route of communication for parents. Contacting a daycare manager to check in on a child, update attendance, or make payments should not be difficult. If communicating with a daycare manager is too inconvenient, it quickly becomes frustrating for everyone, and the risk of miscommunications can increase. With clear channels of communication, such as daycare apps, communication can become much smoother.
5. Create Transparency
Offering up clear and specific information and maintaining transparency can help increase trust and create positive parent relations. The less confusion there is, the better. A few good examples of supplemental information you could provide include curriculum info, monthly plans, development strategies, and more. In a childcare app, you can create guides and links to access that type of information, making it easier to facilitate transparency between parents and daycare managers. Parents can feel content and informed, and you, as a daycare manager, can spend less time keeping everyone up to speed.
Improve Communication with a Daycare App
An amazing and simple way to facilitate excellent communication between parents and daycare owners is through daycare apps like TimeSavr. TimeSavr is all about making the management of daycare and childcare centres easier and less time-consuming, and that includes a parent portal to create a simple avenue of communication. It also helps you manage tedious administrative tasks so more of your attention can go towards valuable parent-child daycare relations.
TimeSavr is highly customizable to make daycare management easier for you! There are all kinds of features to help you communicate, file reports and invoices, and send emails with less time and effort. Made for daycare owners by daycare owners, TimeSavr is the way to go! To find out more about how TimeSavr can work for you, request a free demo today.